Fortune (December 1964)
The sans-serifs collect all the honors, both in text and display, in the big year-end issue.
There were 109 full-page advertisements to analyze in this big year-end issue, and the sans-serifs appear to have collected all the honors, in both the text and display categories. For text composition, five different sans-serifs were used in 53 ads, while the roman types were utilized for 49 ads, with 17 different faces. Two of the sans-serifs, News Gothic and Standard, really carried the ball for their group, appearing in 47 of the 53 ads which featured sans-serif types.
In the display column, 18 sans-serifs were selected for 65 ads, and 18 roman types were used in 35 ads. Franklin Gothic and Standard received the most use, while a couple of the newer European imports, Narrow Grotesque and Anzeigen Grotesk, turned up. The old American gothic, Charter Oak, a product of the Keystone Type Foundry, also put in an appearance. In the Decorative listing, the most unique type was Kismet, a 19th-century type from the Boston Type Foundry.
Display Types
Oldstyle | Bembo | 1 |
Oldstyle | Caslon | 7 |
Oldstyle | Goudy Bold | 1 |
Oldstyle | Palatino | 1 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 1 |
Transitional | Bulmer | 1 |
Transitional | Caledonia | 1 |
Transitional | Century | 8 |
Transitional | Century Schoolbook | 1 |
Transitional | Cheltenham | 1 |
Transitional | Columbia | 1 |
Transitional | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
Transitional | Melior | 1 |
Transitional | Perpetua | 1 |
Transitional | Times Roman | 3 |
Modern | Bodoni | 2 |
Modern | Egmont | 1 |
Modern | Hand or Photolettering | 2 |
Sans Serif | Futura | 1 |
Sans Serif | Hand or Photolettering | 4 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 4 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Alternate Gothic | 2 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Anzeigne Grotesk | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Charter Oak | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Copperplate Gothic | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Eurostyle | 2 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Franklin Gothic | 14 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Folio | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Hand or Photolettering | 3 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Narrow Grotesque | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 5 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Old Gothic | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Placard | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 13 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Univers | 7 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Venus | 3 |
Square Serif | Clarendon | 2 |
Square Serif | Fortune | 2 |
Decorative | Cooper Black | 5 |
Decorative | Kismet | 1 |
Text Types
Oldstyle | Bookman | 1 |
Oldstyle | Caslon | 2 |
Oldstyle | Century Oldstyle | 2 |
Oldstyle | Palatino | 2 |
Oldstyle | Plantin | 1 |
Oldstyle | Weiss | 1 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 3 |
Transitional | Bulmer | 1 |
Transitional | Caledonia | 1 |
Transitional | Century Expanded | 14 |
Transitional | Cheltenham | 2 |
Transitional | Columbia | 2 |
Transitional | Melior | 2 |
Transitional | Perpetua | 1 |
Transitional | Times Roman | 11 |
Modern | Bodoni | 2 |
Modern | Egmont | 1 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 3 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Franklin Gothic | 2 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 31 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 16 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Univers | 1 |
Square Serif | Fortune | 1 |
Square Serif | Typewriter | 1 |
Square Serif | Whitin Black | 1 |
This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the March 1965 issue of The Inland Printer.