The New Yorker (March 7, 1964)
Romans lead in display in this issue, but last year at this time sans-serifs were ahead, 27 to 20.
Seventy-six full- and double-page ads were checked for the types used in display and in text composition. For display purposes, 20 different roman types were used in 40 ads, while 9sans-serif faces were used in 29 ads. In the text composition, 17 romans were used in 45 ads; 5 sans-serifs were used in 27.
One year ago, this department checked the same magazine. It is evident that the roman types are receiving wider use for display purposes, since at that time the sans-serif types led the romans 27 to 20.
With all the newly designed gothics now available, it may be noted that the standby Franklin Gothic was the most used display face, and its ancient sister, News Gothic, was the leader in the body type selections.
Display Types
Oldstyle | Bookman | 1 |
Oldstyle | Caslon | 4 |
Oldstyle | Cloister | 1 |
Oldstyle | Garamond | 5 |
Oldstyle | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
Oldstyle | Palatino | 2 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 2 |
Transitional | Century | 2 |
Transitional | Century Expanded | 2 |
Transitional | Columbia | 1 |
Transitional | Hand or Photolettering | 2 |
Transitional | Ideal Bold | 1 |
Transitional | Nicholas Cochin | 1 |
Transitional | Perpetua Bold | 1 |
Transitional | Times Roman | 4 |
Sans Serif | Futura | 4 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 2 |
Modern | Bernhard Modern | 1 |
Modern | Bodoni | 3 |
Modern | Craw Modern | 1 |
Modern | Hand or Photolettering | 4 |
Modern | Onyx | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Alternate Gothic | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Franklin Gothic | 13 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Hand or Photolettering | 2 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 2 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 3 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Univers | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Venus | 1 |
Square Serif | Clarendon | 1 |
Square Serif | Hand or Photolettering | 3 |
Script | Brush | 1 |
Decorative | Ad Lib | 1 |
Decorative | Cooper Black | 2 |
Text Types
Oldstyle | Bookman | 1 |
Oldstyle | Caslon | 2 |
Oldstyle | Cloister | 1 |
Oldstyle | Cooper Oldstyle | 2 |
Oldstyle | Garamond | 5 |
Oldstyle | Goudy Oldstyle | 2 |
Oldstyle | Janson | 2 |
Oldstyle | Palatino | 2 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 1 |
Transitional | Bulmer | 1 |
Transitional | Caledonia | 3 |
Transitional | Century Expanded | 8 |
Transitional | Cheltenham | 1 |
Transitional | Columbia | 1 |
Transitional | Perpetua Bold | 1 |
Transitional | Times Roman | 8 |
Modern | Bodoni | 4 |
Sans Serif | Futura | 2 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 4 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 13 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 7 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Venus | 1 |
Square Serif | Memphis | 1 |
This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the June 1964 issue of The Inland Printer.
[…] a comparison of the December 1981 figures with an earlier period, I dug up a similar survey of the same periodical, dated March 1964. A comparison of the statistics indicates that, for the same number of ads, the results were almost […]