Vogue (April 1964)
An interesting note is that this publication makes heavy use of types popular even 40 years ago.
This month, Scoreboard examined Vogue, long a favorite magazine for this department when edited by J. L. Frazier. In the 78 full-page ads, there were 15 different roman types used for display in 37 ads, while 10 sans-serifs turned up in 24 advertisements. In the text section, the battle of the romans vs. sans-serifs was even more heavily weighted with roman types. hi 43 ads, there were 20 different roman faces, against 7 sans-serifs being used in 31 ads.
It is interesting to note that in this fashionable periodical, 20 of the 28 text types have been in service more than 40 years, while in display, 15 of the 27 types listed were also being used in advertising more than 40 years ago.
Probably the most unusual type to turn up is Camelot Oldstyle, Fred Goudy’s first type, designed in 1896for the Dickinson Type Foundry of Boston, Mass. Goudy received $10 for the design, and on the strength of such an honorarium became a type designer1
Display Types
Oldstyle | Caslon | 3 |
Oldstyle | Garamond | 3 |
Oldstyle | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 3 |
Transitional | Century | 4 |
Transitional | Cheltenham | 3 |
Transitional | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
Transitional | Melior | 1 |
Transitional | Bernhard Modern | 1 |
Transitional | Bodoni | 9 |
Transitional | Bulmer | 1 |
Transitional | Craw Modern | 1 |
Transitional | Hand or Photolettering | 3 |
Transitional | Torino | 1 |
Transitional | Ultra Bodoni | 2 |
Sans Serif | Futura | 4 |
Sans Serif | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 3 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Aurora | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Folio | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Franklin Gothic | 5 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 4 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Univers | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Venus | 3 |
Square Serif | Clarendon | 1 |
Square Serif | Contact | 1 |
Script | Bank Script | 2 |
Script | Hand or Photolettering | 4 |
Script | Park Avenue | 1 |
Display | Cooper Black | 1 |
Display | Futura Black | 1 |
Display | Hand or Photolettering | 2 |
Text Types
Oldstyle | Bookman | 1 |
Oldstyle | Camelot Oldstyle | 1 |
Oldstyle | Caslon | 4 |
Oldstyle | Cloister | 1 |
Oldstyle | Garamond | 4 |
Oldstyle | Goudy Oldstyle | 1 |
Oldstyle | Palatino | 1 |
Oldstyle | Weiss | 1 |
Transitional | Baskerville | 4 |
Transitional | Caledonia | 1 |
Transitional | Century | 2 |
Transitional | Century Expanded | 6 |
Transitional | Cheltenham | 3 |
Transitional | DeVinne | 1 |
Transitional | Melior | 1 |
Modern | Bernhard Modern | 1 |
Modern | Bodoni | 7 |
Modern | Craw Modern | 1 |
Modern | Modern No. 1 | 1 |
Modern | Torino | 1 |
Sans Serif | Futura | 4 |
Sans Serif | Optima | 5 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Grotesque Light | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | News Gothic | 12 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Standard | 7 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Univers | 1 |
Sans Serif (Gothic) | Venus | 1 |
Square Serif | Typewriter | 1 |
Script | Hand or Photolettering | 1 |
This article first appeared in the “Typographic Scoreboard” column of the September 1964 issue of The Inland Printer.